Thursday, March 17, 2011

Words with Joci - March 17, 2011

  1. He gaged to her that his Words plays would be better this time. (Mike)
  2. Fearing that he might fulfill his pledge, she played "ZED," so as to not get stuck with the letter Z. (Joci)
  3. "It will be razed to the ground!", he gaged with a cackle. (Mike)
  4. Horrified, she shot a vaned arrow toward him, trying to force him to recant.  (Joci)
  5. He razed the barn as he had gaged, causing the vaned metal cock to fall from the roof.  The clog in the drain mattered no more.  (Mike)
  6. She tried to keep her wits about her, but with the vaned metal cock falling, the barn razed and the clogged drain, she began to lose self control. Within seconds, she had gaged her revenge at the errant arrow. (Joci) 
  7. The dream haunted him - Lady Di had gaged to and, as promised, later razed the castle.  The vaned fan beat the clogs in the air, he stubbed his toe as he trod- "Ow!  I must keep my wits about me." (Mike)
  8. The vaned blades of the snow/ice blower were broad gage - a nice design element to prevent clogs.  As he trod the recently-cleared walk in front of the razed apartment, he admired the wits of the designer.  Pow!
  1. Gaged - Pledged, risked or staked (archaic)
  2. Zed -> Razed
  3. Vaned -  having moveable devices like an arrow
  4. Clog -> clogs
  5. Wits
  6. Ow -> Pow
  7. Di - mostly just a prefix, unless you count a lot of Italian phrases
  8. Trod
  9. Ice


  1. Fearing that he might fulfill his pledge, she played "ZED," so as to not get stuck with the letter Z.

  2. Vaned: covered in feathers (an arrow)
    Horrified, she shot a vaned arrow toward him, trying to force him to recant.

  3. She tried to keep her wits about her, but with the vaned metal cock falling, the barn razed and the clogged drain, she began to lose self control. Within seconds, she had gaged her revenge at the errant arrow.
