Tuesday, March 22, 2011

A Trader and a Dairy Near Dawn - Mike Playing Michelle

Story: The weary, grim trader set down his gourd of tea, flipped the lighter tab, kindled his pipe, squinted and inhaled as the last of the ganja blazed. At the door, the wolf cubs gawped and sniffed the trader's kip of trophies from baited lures, recognized death's scent from eons of instinct, and seeking to avoid these mights, yiped and moved quickly away. The ag dairy readied its fleet to the loved scent of brewing jo. Ay and oy - the sounds and tones of things hiding in the brush announced the coming of day's light.

Words: Blazed; Loved; Gourd; Mights; Rim -> Grim; Ganja; Tea; Moved; Tab; Gawp; Ag; Tone; Jo; Oy; Ay; Eon; Fleet; Dairy; Duff; Yipe, cubs, baited, kip (a bundle of undressed hides)

Previous Play: Perfect Dairy Experience

1 comment:

  1. Dense

    "Yipes! I can't believe the tone of that guys arms," Jo said. The other two girls - Oy and Ay - gawped as they blazed into the room at the 30th reunion. They were dressed like 18-year old milk maidens, fresh off the dairy trucks. The grim fleet of almost 50-year olds were not moved by the mights of the women who were eons away from high school yet dense enough to still act like little girls, running up tabs and using ganja like it was iced tea on a hot day. The guys that were in the ag department shook their heads in disgust, and the women stood with gourds full of duff, thought to themselves, "poor little cubs, baited for the masses, but looking like clowns."by the mights of the women who were eons away from high school yet dense enough to still act like little girls, running up tabs and using ganja like it was iced tea on a hot day. Sensing that their grand entrance was a bust, the three ladies, feeling like kips, backed out of the room, knowing that they were not loved by their former classmates.
